There is lots of misinformation around as to when is the best time to prune trees and the internet is full of “advice” best to be ignored… The commonest advice is that trees should only be pruned in the dormant season. While this can be acceptable it is NOT always the pest time.
The arboricultural association states:
Pruning should generally occur after the leaves have ‘flushed’ and hardened, so late spring through summer.
There are some exceptions, as some species, will ‘bleed’ sap and risk losing valuable sugars in the process if pruned in early spring and others that rely on the production of a resin or gum to aid in the defence against wound related pathogens and therefore are best pruned in summer.
In general, pruning should avoid periods where the exposed wood will be left open to severe conditions such as drought, frost, and periods of fungal sporulation (autumn).
The attached Table 1 below gives the appropriate
time to prune for a number of species commonly planted or found growing naturally within the United Kingdom.
Canopy Tree Services can give advice and provide quotes.
01332 875 869 #whentoprunetrees